With development of the society, the competition is more and more fierce. In order to be the back sheep in the competition, there are large number people use fake diplomas to fight ...
(159)人喜欢发布时间:2014-05-28 14:02:44We all know that English is accepted by an increasing number, but Chinese now is used by more and more people in the world. Do you know why? Maybe there are not many people have stu...
(235)人喜欢发布时间:2014-05-28 14:01:48People think highly of reading books since long time ago. They think books are the source of knowledge. If people want to be progress, they have to read. But some people think pract...
(127)人喜欢发布时间:2014-05-28 14:01:02Some linguists point out that the spread of English and development of peoples living standards have some negative effects on the local language and culture development. Do you agre...
(72)人喜欢发布时间:2014-05-28 14:00:34It is well known that the topic that whether we should help strangers when they get into trouble has attracted many persons attention. Whats more, the opinion differs from one perso...
(160)人喜欢发布时间:2014-05-28 13:59:14In recently, as peoples living standard improves, people start to pay attention on their kids. In our Chinese eyes, education is very important to develop kids. So, going to study a...
(154)人喜欢发布时间:2014-05-28 13:58:29篇一:逆袭观后感 你最想得到的是什么,你最不能放弃的是什么?揭秘娱乐圈潜规则的电影《逆袭》男女主角设定了诸多寻求成功的捷径,...
(159)人喜欢发布时间:2014-05-28 04:07:53篇一:重返地球观后感 这个暑期档里,中国观众在基努里维斯和威尔史密斯之间更买后者的账,虽然这样比有点扯淡,但史密斯父子主演的...
(125)人喜欢发布时间:2014-05-28 04:07:26篇一:大明猩观后感 如何正确看待和评价《大明猩》,这确实需要很大的勇气和自知之明。首先这是一部标准的韩国电影,有着韩国电影一...
(171)人喜欢发布时间:2014-05-28 04:04:09篇一: 昨天下午看的《速度与激情6》,在这部电影中,那群正义劫匪和一位正义武警就是这部电影的正义主人公,他们往往会教给我许多道...
(173)人喜欢发布时间:2014-05-28 03:58:26Copyright © 2013-2023 亿年教育网www.ynjiaoyu.net 版权所有滇ICP备18010473号-11