发布时间:2014-05-28 14:26源自:未知作者:admin阅读()
Car accident is one of the main killers in the modern society, because the economy develops, more and more people have cars, at the same time, traffic jams become serious. Not everyone obeys the rule, especially the young generation, they chase for exciting life, they like to speed up in the highway. There are many news about the young drive carelessly in the highway at night, they ignore the traffic rules. In such circumstance, car accident takes their lives away, that is horrible things. We should cherish our lives, when we drive car, never drink beer and talk to other, focus on the driving.
We often hear about the news that the famous star died of car accident, these teach us a lesson, if we are not care about the traffic rule, we will lose our lives, just drive safe.
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