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发布时间:2014-02-28 17:48源自:未知作者:admin阅读()

Yesterday I saw a car accident when I went to school. It was early in the morning. I got to the gate of my school. Suddenly, I heard the sound of car breaking and screaming. Then, I saw a little boy fall down. The car driver got off his car immediately and checked out the little boy’s situation. Luckily, the boy was not serious and he could stand up under the help of driver. But the driver also decided to send him to hospital and made sure he is OK. I must be more careful ever after.昨天,我在上学途中目睹了一次车祸。早上,当我走到学校门口时,突然听到急刹车的声音和尖叫声。然后,我看到一个小男孩跌倒了。司机马上下车查看小男孩的情况。万幸的是,小男孩并无大碍,司机把他扶了起来。但是司机还是决定送小男孩去医院检查,确保他没事。以后我要更小心才行。

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