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发布时间:2014-03-14 19:48源自:未知作者:admin阅读()

In England, children always begin to go to school at the age of five or six. After finishing their ninth grade, some of them go to high school to continue their further education, and some of them go to vocational school to learn some practical skills.


Vocational schools are much more interesting than high schools, for there are many different classes in the school, like mechanics, electronics, car-repairing, computer-programming, nursing, accounting, and so on. At vocational schools, students usually have classes in the morning, while in the afternoon; they often go outside school to practice. Some of them work as cashiers in the shops; some of them work as waiters or waitresses in the restaurants; some of them work as tour guides to show the visitors around the city. Sometimes they also go to the factories. The old workers often teach them how to operate the machines. Most of them are very hardworking. When they graduate from school, they will have gained some work experience, so they will have more opportunities to find a good job.


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