发布时间:2014-03-04 13:35源自:未知作者:admin阅读()
Why do youth need sex education? Most teenagers get the HIV virus or sexually transmitted diseases because of having sex with an infected person. They can avoid any risk of HIV or STD if they have learned how to protect themselves. On the other hands, teenagers’pregnancy rate in China is astonishingly high. According to the survey, more than a million teenagers become accidentally pregnant each year. Now,this situation becomes serious.
In my opinion, sex education is absolutely essential. The schools have the responsibility to teach students to have the right attitude towards the gender issue. Taking about sex is not a shame. It is not embarrassment. The question is no longer whether sex education should be taught, but rather how it should be taught.
在我看来,性教育非常有必要。学校有责任教授学生对性问题的正确的态度。谈论“性”并不可耻,也不尴尬。但现问题已不是该不该教授性知识,而是该如何教。欢迎分享转载→ 学校开展性教育的重要性
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